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The Shift in Benefits – Roundtable .

How are employees kept happy and productive during a pandemic? As the times change, tech companies are the pioneers in adapting their ways to uncharted waters.

On November 19, HR professionals from Bucharest IT players, big and small, find a way to brainstorm and share experience on what worked, what’s possible and what can be adapted to the new work environment. What used to be employment hooks for top talents might not work so well in the pandemic scene. Let’s see what needs to be changed.

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Juggling employment rates, economic crisis and keeping a good employer status.

As times are difficult and more and more people seem to be left without a job, do we need to spend in order to keep our employees happy? Would changes in the Comp&Ben package attract better candidates or is this a way to get top talents in questionable times?


Organizations try to balance teams ‘welfare and keeping businesses in check. Employers are trying their best to retain their top talent and when the crisis will be over, the support for the company will not fail to come from those who were understood during the current volatile environment.



Seeing the challenge of attracting talent as it is. People avoid to leave current jobs and migrate to new organizations in times of uncertainty. At the same time the candidate pool might get larger while lacking specific skills por the positions they apply.



Needs change on both sides. Work from home comes with new challenges for employees, while companies see an increase in detachment from company culture and a delayed response in tasks and objectives. Benefits need a strategic approach.

HR Professionals share knowledge and brainstorm. Better together at “The Shift in Benefits” Roundtable .

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November 19, 2020